Global Cases
Diverse needs with comprehensive IT services
Contributing customers improve their corporate value with the IT services their businesses need
For the past 50 years, SCSK has provided a full lineup of IT services that are essential for customers’ business – from consulting to system development, software verification services, IT infrastructure development, IT management, IT hardware/software sales, and business process outsourcing services (BPO) – and resolved a variety of issues for more than 8,000 customers. SCSK have also supported the overseas expansion of its customers by leveraging both its track record of system implementation in more than 38 countries worldwide and also experience of providing IT services to Sumitomo Corporation and other global companies. To assist further improvement of customers’ corporate value, SCSK challenges the realization of digital transformation (DX) through various co-creation.

Pursuing sustainable business growth by resolving social issues to become Co-Creative IT Company by 2030
SCSK evaluated a range of issues faced by society from its business perspective, and formulated its own “Material Issues” which is prioritized to take action on to achieve sustainable business growth together with society, seeking to achieve their corporate philosophy; “Create Our Future of Dreams,”. SCSK, together with society, aims to achieve sustainable business growth with the “Material Issues” of seven items: three which represent the growth gained by resolution of social issues and four which support the foundation of the growth.

With the Corporate Philosophy and the “Material Issues” as the SCSK Group’s raison d'être, SCSK has set the “Grand Design 2030” as the vision for 2030. Through their core business of IT services, SCSK will become the “Co-Creative IT Company” that grows together with customers and society, by expanding provision of value, by demonstrating the comprehensive strengths of the SCSK’s groups, and by proactively working to create value for society.

Supporting customers’ DX promotion and three co-creation approaches that generate new value
Leveraging DX to surmount the “2025 Cliff”*1 in which the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has sounded an alarm is now a major issue for each company. SCSK contributes improving customers’ corporate value by modernizing*2 existing legacy system (SoR environment*3), by introducing an advanced SoE*4 environment, and by creating new value through co-creating IT systems. To support customers’ DX promotion, first, SCSK helps customers building their foundations of IT environments (IT systems, data, process, personnel and organizations) through total optimization of the environments. Next, SCSK provides support services ranging from the formulation of DX strategies using their DX promotion program (DX Framework) to the implementation of these strategies deploying cutting-edge technologies (AI, IoT, etc.). In addition, SCSK develops businesses and services that offer society new value through 3 types of co-creation; which are co-creation with customers, cross-industrial co-creation in strategic business areas and global co-creation with Sumitomo Corporation and others.
Support for Clients Total IT Environment Optimization

Support for Clients'DX Implementation

- 2025 Cliff: It is forecast that Japan will fall behind in international competition and suffer economic stagnation if Japanese companies retain complicated, obsolete or black-boxed legacy systems beyond 2025
- Modernization: Renovate old IT assets (legacy systems) to make them compatible with the latest technology
- SoR (System of Record): IT system designed mainly with an prioritization on recording/managing data needed for operations
- SoE (System of Engagement):IT system designed mainly for strengthening customers’ engagement by flexibly updating the IT system to follow ever-changing consumer needs and behavior patterns
SCSK Group business policy
Providing IT services that anticipate customer needs and developing optimal solutions
SCSK seeks to provide all of the IT services demanded by customers’ business needs more rapidly, more accurately and more thoroughly. SCSK proposes optimal solutions to customers by mobilizing and matching up the expertise of their specialists well-versed in issue resolution across a full range of industry sectors. SCSK continues offering seven services as described in picture below to meet diversifying IT needs of customers who broadly support our society. In the course of maintaining long-standing partnerships with customers, SCSK will continue to be well-acquainted with their strategies and operations, building solid relationships of trust.

Create Our Future of Dreams
SCSK has been and keeps on taking initiative to resolve social issues through their business activities in pursuit of its Corporate Philosophy; “Create Our Future of Dreams”. With a focus on co-creation with various stakeholders, SCSK will continue striving to create a safe, secure and prosperous society.
Each and every members of SCSK take the initiative to create new value by following Code of Conduct:
- Aim higher with future-creating passion (Challenge)
- Act with integrity and responsibility for our customers and society (Commitment)
- Facilitate teamwork with respect and understanding (Communication)
March 2021
- Japan
- East Asia
- Asia and Oceania
- Europe
- Middle East, Africa
- The Americas
- Information Telecommunications
- Retail Service Operations
- Media & Digital Group