Message from
the President and CEO
Message from
the President and CEO
The environment surrounding us is at a historic turning point, and combined with complex and rapid changes, is becoming harder to navigate. Under such circumstances, the Sumitomo Corporation Group is also facing a tipping point.
Under the Medium-Term Management Plan 2026 announced in May 2024, we will implement reforms with no exceptions—including our organizational structure, business portfolio, human resource measures, and decision-making system—to seek greater heights and achieve considerable and sustainable growth. Together with our many business partners, clients, and other stakeholders, we will enhance our competitive advantages in businesses and become a corporate group with “No.1 in Each Field”.
We will achieve sustainable growth through addressing social challenges, while adhering to the Sumitomo Corporation Group’s Management Principles and Activity Guidelines and the timeless values of Sumitomo’s Business Philosophy which serve as our basis. We hope you look forward to witnessing the continual evolution of the Sumitomo Corporation Group as we realize our Corporate Message “Enriching lives and the world”.
Click here for further information on the Medium-Term Management Plan.
Click here for further information on the Corporate Message.
Shingo Ueno
President and Chief Executive Officer
About Us