Corporate Mission Statement
Corporate Mission Statement
Sumitomo Corporation Group's Corporate Mission Statement, consisting of the Management Principles and Activity Guidelines, is the fundamental and ultimate value standard of the Group.
Sumitomo Corporation Group's Management Principles are a contemporary translation of Sumitomo's Business Philosophy, which was devised 400 years ago, using simplified language and a clear structure, and rewritten from a more global perspective. The Activity Guidelines provide guidance on how each company as well as their executives and employees should behave as they conduct daily business activities to realize the Management Principles.
As declared in the Management Principles, our corporate mission is to support our shareholders, clients, local communities, employees, and everyone else around the world in their endeavors to achieve economic and spiritual prosperity and realize their dreams through our sound business activities. We also maintain—throughout our business practices—a unique management style that respects the personality of each individual and places prime importance on integrity and sound management, which represent the essence of Sumitomo's Business Philosophy, while cherishing a corporate culture that allows each employee to take the initiative and demonstrate creativity that is conductive to continuous reform and innovation.
By sharing the values presented in the Management Principles and the Activity Guidelines across the Group to materialize them in specific business activities, we aim to be a global organization that constantly stays a step ahead in dealing with change, creates new value, and contributes broadly to society.
Sumitomo Corporation Group's Corporate Mission Statement
Corporate Vision
We aim to be a global organization that constantly stays a step ahead in dealing with change, creates new value, and contributes broadly to society.
Management Principles
〈Corporate Mission〉
To achieve prosperity and realize dreams through sound business activities
〈Management Style〉
To place prime importance on integrity and sound management with utmost respect for the individual
〈Corporate Culture〉
To foster a corporate culture full of vitality and conducive to innovation
Activity Guidelines
- To act with honesty and sincerity on the basis of Sumitomo's business philosophy and in keeping with the Management Principles
- To comply with laws and regulations while maintaining the highest ethical standards
- To set high value on transparency and openness
- To attach great importance to protecting the global environment
- To contribute to society as a good corporate citizen
- To achieve teamwork and integrated corporate strength through active communication
- To set clear objectives and achieve them with enthusiasm
Sumitomo's Business Philosophy
The basis of the Sumitomo Corporation Group's Management Principles and Activity Guidelines is Sumitomo's Business Philosophy, which has been passed on through the generations for 400 years since the founding of the Sumitomo Group.
Sumitomo's Business Philosophy has been refined through many generations based on the Founder's Precepts "Monjuin Shiigaki," which Masatomo Sumitomo (1585-1652), the founder of the Sumitomo family, wrote and handed on to describe how a merchant should conduct business. The basic points of Sumitomo's Business Philosophy have been passed on in the form of the two articles of the Business Principles.

Business Principles
Article 1. | Sumitomo shall achieve strength and prosperity by placing prime importance on integrity and sound management in the conduct of its business. |
Article 2. | Sumitomo shall manage its activities with foresight and flexibility in order to cope effectively with the changing times. Under no circumstances, however, shall it pursue easy gains or act imprudently. |
Article 1 emphasizes the utmost importance of integrity, while Article 2 advocates the importance of having an enterprising spirit to generate profits quickly and faithfully while adapting to a changing society, and renovating business operations while avoiding the pursuit of easy gains or acting carelessly.
Sumitomo's Business Philosophy, which has been passed on since the Founder's Precepts was written, still serves as the timeless principles Sumitomo Group companies follow in their activities.
There are also several other credos that are contained in Sumitomo's Business Philosophy.
One example is: "Benefit for self and others, private and public interests are one and the same." To put it another way, Sumitomo's business, while benefiting Sumitomo, must also benefit the nation and benefit society. This represents the corporate vision that the Sumitomo Corporation Group as a whole must pursue at all times.
The second credo is "Planning imbued with a farsighted perspective." This derives from copper mine management, Sumitomo's core business in its early days, which required long-term vision and continuous effort. This attitude of viewing business from a broad and long-term perspective and working for the benefit of the entire nation and society based on foresight of the future has been inherited from preceding Company operators.
The third credo is "Recognize human resources as their most important asset." The cultivation and development of human resources has always been our most important concern regardless of the times.
Sumitomo's Business Philosophy thus stresses the need for an enterprising spirit to stay a step ahead in dealing with change, while ascribing importance to maintaining integrity and sound management, avoiding easy gains, and working for the public interest, without being misled by short-term immediate changes. This philosophy has continuously formed the basis of Sumitomo Corporation Group's business for more than 400 years.
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