Sep. 30, 2024
Sumitomo Corporation

Notice of the Slurry Pipeline Damage and Ore Discharge at the Ambatovy Nickel Project

Sumitomo Corporation hereby informs that the slurry(*1) pipeline at the Ambatovy Nickel Project in Madagascar was damaged, resulting in ore discharge on September 25, 2024, local time. No injuries related to this incident have been reported.

Sumitomo Corporation, through Summit Ambatovy Mineral Resources Investment B.V. (Head Office: Amsterdam Netherlands), its wholly-owned subsidiary, has invested in Ambatovy Minerals S.A., a mining company, and Dynatec Madagascar S.A., a refining company, (Head Office: Antananarivo Madagascar, hereinafter “Project Companies”) at 54.17% share ratio respectively. Project Companies are jointly controlled entities of Sumitomo Corporation and are accounted for by the equity method.

The slurry pipeline is currently shut down, and the relevant authorities have been notified while the cause is being investigated. The full extent of the damage, the timeline for recovery, and the impact on operations are currently under assessment.

(*1) : Hydrated ore transported from the mine to the processing and refinery plant

Corporate Communications Department, Sumitomo Corporation
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