Apr. 24, 2020
Sumitomo Corporation

Sumitomo Corporation Invests in Creadits, Digital Ad Production Platform Operator

Sumitomo Corporation (Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer: Masayuki Hyodo), through its corporate venture capital Sumitomo Corporation Equity Asia (Head Office: Hong Kong Special Administrative Region), has invested in Creadits Pte. Ltd. (Head Office: Singapore), which is a subsidiary of Allied Architects, Inc. and provides CREADITS®, a creative platform for digital advertising production primarily in markets in Europe and the United States.

Recently, with the rapid expansion of the digital advertising market, demand for creatives, such as images and videos, to be used in digital ads are increasing. Digital ads expose a wide variety of creatives in short cycles, so advertisers need to build a system for producing many creatives with short delivery times, which includes securing designers. Additionally, the process of creative production involves frequent confirmation between the advertiser and the designer, which increases time and cost needs, requiring automation and other improvements in operational efficiency.

Creadits provides CREADITS®, a platform that matches advertisers with designers and allows them to engage in the communication required for creative production. By introducing the most suitable designer selected from affiliated designers around the world and enabling them to communicate on the platform until completion, Creadits helps to achieve high-quality creative production in a shorter time period at a lower cost. Creadits also provides support necessary for the use of digital ads, including proposals on advertising strategy and creative ideas. To promote efficiency improvement in creative production, Creadits plans to develop artificial intelligence (AI) business driven by the data accumulated on the platform.

Through investment in and future cooperation with Creadits, Sumitomo Corporation aims to create new business in the digital advertising market where digital transformation, including automation, is expected to advance.
Through investment in companies having innovative technologies and business models, Sumitomo Corporation will continue to contribute to the development of a broad range of industries in response to changes in social needs.


<Reference Data>

■Profile of Creadits

Established : March 2014
Representative :

Kazuhiro Takiguchi

URL : https://www.creadits.com


■Sumitomo Corporation Equity Asia

Established : October 2002
Representative : Daiju Nakahashi



■Sumitomo Corporation’s Material Issues
Sumitomo Corporation Group positions “Six Material Issues to Achieve Sustainable Growth with Society” as an important factor in developing business strategies and in the decision-making process for individual businesses. Going forward, we will pursue sustainable growth by resolving these issues through our business activities. This project especially contributes to “the Development of Local Communities and Industries”, “Establishing a Foundation for Comfortable and Enriching Lifestyles” and “Providing Diverse Accessibility”.


Corporate Communications Department, Sumitomo Corporation
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