Contact Us

The below information may help you reach to the answer to your question.

Following questions have been frequently asked.

Inquiries about the Sumitomo Group

Sumitomo Corporation is a member of the "Sumitomo Group". Each company within the "Sumitomo Group" is an independent entity. Please see [ List of Group Companies ] available at the "Sumitomo Group Public Affairs Committee" to find more information. If you have inquiries regarding specific services and products offered by other members of the "Sumitomo Group", please contact to them directly.


Following questions have been frequently asked.

About Company Information / Integrated Report
Please refer to [ Corporate Introduction ] or [ Integrated Report ] where you can download them in PDF file. If you prefer to receive our documents (Integrated Report) by mail (post), please send us your request from [ Request Form for Printed Documents ].
About Career Information in our overseas offices
Please contact each office directly. You can find its contact information on [ Global Network ].
Links to our web-site
Please refer to [ Terms and Conditions of Use ].
About Financial Information
Please refer to [ Financial Information ].
About Company Overview
Please refer to [ Company Overview ].
About Sumitomo Corporation Group
Sumitomo Corporation is a member of the "Sumitomo Group", and companies in Sumitomo Corporation Group are affiliates of Sumitomo Corporation. Please refer to [ Subsidiaries and Associated Companies ].
Domestic and overseas office locations / contact information
Please refer to [ Global Network ].

Request for Printed Documents

If you prefer to receive our documents(Integrated Report) by mail (post), please click the bellow button and fill in the request form.
