Principal Subsidiaries and Associated Companies Contributing to Consolidated Results

(Billions of yen)
  Shares in
(End of FY2013) (%)
Main business FY2012 equity
in earnings
FY2013 equity
in earnings
Metal Products Business Unit
ERYNGIUM Ltd.*1 *100.00 Manufacture, processing, and distribution of speciality metals for OCTG market 4.5 4.8
SC Pipe Services Inc. 100.00 Investment in pipe manufacturing and sales company in the U.S. 2.6 2.8
Sumisho Metalex Corporation *100.00 Sale of non-ferrous metal products and materials for home heat solution 1.1 1.4
Edgen Group Inc. *100.00 Sale of specialized products for energy and infrastructure industry and tubular products for oil and gas industry - 0.2
Transportation & Construction Systems Business Unit
Sumitomo Mitsui Finance and Leasing Company, Limited *40.00 Finance and lease 14.8 17.1
P.T. Oto Multiartha*2,3 *100.00 Financing of automobiles 3.2 4.2
Sumitomo Mitsui Auto Service Company, Limited 46.00 Leasing of motor vehicles 4.1 4.0
P.T. Summit Oto Finance*2,3 *100.00 Financing of motorcycles 1.5 3.0
Environment & Infrastructure Business Unit
Sumisho Global Logistics Co., Ltd. *100.00 Global logistics provider 1.2 1.4
Sumisho Machinery Trade Corporation *100.00 Trading of machinery, equipment, and automobiles in Japan 1.2 1.3
Perennial Power Holdings Inc. *100.00 Development, ownership, and management of power plants in the U.S. 2.0 1.1
Media, Network & Lifestyle Related Goods & Services Business Unit
Jupiter Telecommunications Co., Ltd. (J:COM)*4,5 50.00 Operation of multiple cable TV systems (MSO) and channels (MCO) 18.1 31.6
SCSK Corporation 50.79 System integration, IT infrastructure implementation and IT management 9.4 7.4
Jupiter Shop Channel Co., Ltd.*6 50.00 Operation of TV shopping channel 8.3 7.0
2 companies in the banana business *- Import and sale of fruits and vegetables (0.4) 1.6
MobiCom Corporation LLC*2 33.98 Integrated telecommunication service in Mongolia 1.6 1.1
Summit, Inc. *100.00 Supermarket chain 1.1 0.9
Grain business companies in Australia *- Grain accumulation and investment in grain storage and export terminal operating business 0.7 0.9
Sumisho Brand Management Corporation *100.00 Import, design, and sales of the German luxury line of Chenille fabrics brand "FEILER" and women's apparel and accessories brand "NARA CAMICIE" 0.9 0.9
TBC Corporation *100.00 Retail and wholesale of tires 0.8 (3.0)
Mineral Resources, Energy, Chemical & Electronics Business Unit
Oresteel Investments (Proprietary) Limited *49.00 Investment in the Assmang iron ore and manganese mine in South Africa 9.5 15.9
2 silver, zinc, and lead business companies in Bolivia*2 *100.00 Investment in silver, zinc, and lead mines operating and ore concentrate sales companies in Bolivia 12.4 5.4
SC Minerals America, Inc. *100.00 Investment in the Morenci copper mine and the Pogo gold mine in the U.S. and the Candelaria and Ojos del Salado copper mines in Chile 4.3 5.4
LNG Japan Corporation 50.00 Trading of LNG and investment and financing related to LNG business 5.5 5.1
Iron ore mining business in Brazil *- Iron ore mining business in Brazil 6.9 5.1
SMM Cerro Verde Netherlands B.V. 20.00 Investment in the Cerro Verde copper mine in Peru 2.4 2.4
2 companies with oilfield interests in the North Sea *- Development, production, and sale of crude oil and natural gas in the British and Norwegian zones of the North Sea 3.2 2.4
Sumitomo Shoji Chemicals Co., Ltd. *100.00 Sale and trade of chemicals and plastics 1.3 1.5
Sumitronics Corporation 100.00 Electronics manufacturing service 0.6 1.2
SC Mineral Resources Pty. Ltd. *100.00 Investment in the Northparkes copper mine in Australia 1.1 1.2
Nusa Tenggara Mining Corporation 74.28 Investment in and financing of the Batu Hijau copper/gold mine project in Indonesia (0.7) 4.0
Nickel mining and refining business in Madagascar - Investment in and financing of the Ambatovy nickel mining project in Madagascar (0.8) (1.1)
Companies related to coal business in Australia *- Investment in coal mines in Australia 1.4 (26.7)
Americas - Export, import, and wholesale 27.8 21.0
Europe, Middle East, Africa & CIS - Export, import, and wholesale 9.0 11.1
Asia & Oceania - Export, import, and wholesale 8.6 4.9
East Asia - Export, import, and wholesale 2.4 4.3
  • *   Shares in equity and equity in earnings for companies marked with an asterisk are the percentage shares and equity amounts company-wide including other segments.
  • *1 We changed our consolidating periods. The results show equity in earnings of Jan.–Dec. 2012 for FY2012 and Jan.–Dec. 2013 for FY2013.
  • *2 We changed our consolidating periods. The results show equity in earnings of Jan.–Dec. 2012 for FY2012 and Apr. 2013–Mar. 2014 for FY2013.
  • *3 In March 2013, our shares in P.T. Oto Multiartha and P.T. Summit Oto Finance increased to 100%.
  • *4 Our shares in Jupiter Telecommunications increased to 50% according to business restructuring.
  • *5 As Jupiter Telecommunications merged with Japan Cablenet (JCN) in December 2013, the equity in earnings of FY2012 and FY2013 were calculated by adding consolidation adjustments.
  • *6 At the end of July 2012, we sold 50% of our shares in Jupiter Shop Channel to Bain Capital Group.
  • *7 We have regrouped all of our overseas regional organizations into four broad regions, namely, "Americas," "Europe, Middle East, Africa & CIS," "East Asia" and "Asia & Oceania."