Bang Pakong Combine Cycle Power Plant (Units 1 & 2 Replacement)

Project Name Bang Pakong Combine Cycle Power Plant (Units 1 & 2 Replacement)
Client Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT)
Capacity 1,386 MW
Commercial Operation Date (COD) August 2022

The Bangpakong Power Plant is situated on Bangpakong River in Chachoengsao province. The power plant is located approximately 11 kilometers upstream from the mouth of the Bangpakong River and is about 69 kilometers away from Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand.

Bang Pakong 4 Power Plant, Moo 6, Tha Kham Bang Pakong Chachoengsao 24130

Partnership Sumitomo Corporation,
Black & Veatch (Thailand) Ltd.,
Italian Thai Development Public Co., Ltd
Scope of Works Commercial Leader and Supply of Main Equipment
Contract Price USD. 646 Million

Bang Pakong Combine Cycle Power Plant (Units 1 & 2 Replacement), project has been developed to replace the Units 1 & 2 which was retired. The power plant supplies electricity to the central region of Thailand and Bangkok. It runs on natural gas with diesel oil as a backup fuel.
