Bringing safety & drilling efficiency together

Drilling Automation minimizes human intervention at the well,
simultaneously reducing HSE risks and providing decision-aiding insights
at every stage of oil and gas drilling operations.

Bringing safety & drilling
efficiency together

Drilling Automation minimizes human intervention at the well, simultaneously reducing HSE risks and providing decision-aiding insights at every stage of oil and gas drilling operations.

3 Challenges for the Oil and Gas Industry

  • Safety first

    Improve HSE standards and ensure that they are maintained at every stage of oil drilling operations.

  • Cost control

    Reduce CapEx and OpEx without compromising E&P activity or HSE standards.

  • Energy transition

    Engage with the energy transition and the various demands of regulators, shareholders and the public.

Value Proposition

Drilling Automation provides enhanced insight into the reservoir to enable improved decision-making at each stage of oil and gas operations. This results in reduced opportunities for human error, both minimizing the risk of HSE incidents and increasing efficiency through reduced Non-Productive Time (NPT) and Invisible Lost Time (ILT). It also enables more efficient resource management to optimize both CapEx and OpEx over time.

Drilling Automation provides enhanced insight into the reservoir to enable improved decision-making at each stage of oil and gas operations. This results in reduced opportunities for human error, both minimizing the risk of HSE incidents and increasing efficiency through reduced Non-Productive Time (NPT) and Invisible Lost Time (ILT). It also enables more efficient resource management to optimize both CapEx and OpEx over time.

3 Unique Selling Points of Sekal

Avoid costly side-tracks

According to the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, the average ratio of technical side-tracks in the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS) between 2013 to and 2016 was 32%.
Sekal's well drilling software offers real-time monitoring and the earliest detection of drilling problems. It has been used for 450 offshore wells, leading to an up to 60% reduction in technical sidetracks.

Increase drilling efficiency and improve the health and safety of onshore and offshore operations

Using our digital tools and unique modeling software, operators can significantly improve their drilling performance without compromising on health, safety or the environment.
Sekal’s technology originated from NORCE, the Norwegian Research Centre, which has been invested in developing this solution for more than 20 years. Now, operators can access the technology anywhere in the world with Sekal’s Software as a Service (SaaS).

Reduce CO2 emissions

Sekal’s customers have reported a 20% increase in operational efficiency through the elimination of both non-productive time (NPT) and invisible lost time (ILT). Our drilling software optimizes a range of factors affecting drilling performance including Rate of Penetration (ROP), tripping in and out, and casing running. Rystad Energy has estimated that these operational efficiencies can reduce total CO₂ emissions resulting from drilling operations by 17%.

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3 Unique Selling Points of Intelligent Mud Solutions

Produces high resolution fluids data

Non-productive time occurrences are more prevalent with well operations as integral drilling fluid characteristics are provided manually and intermittently.
The IMS system measures whole fluid characteristics immediately prior to the well providing a true real-time high resolution data stream of the fluid. The property data trends can be analysed and used predictively to avoid wellbore anomalies. The data is also directly available for hydraulics modelling and MPD operations.

Robust low maintenance system providing consistent data output

The stainless steel unrestricted open pipe system and sensors ensure problem-free operations for many thousands of hours, and where the pump is the only moving & rotating component.
The IMS solution operates autonomously streaming drilling fluid property trend curves to all stakeholders for interpretation and analysis. The property trends can then assist the driller to understand downhole conditions such as sticky hole, excessive torque & drag as examples.

No operations intervention and calibration

Onsite personnel are trained to start & stop the unit leaving the unit to run completely hands-free.
No flushing is required when changing fluid systems or pumping pills, where the only recommendation is to flush the unit if shutdown for more than 3 days.
IMS oversee the quality of the data from their central offices in Stavanger, Norway, and any needed calibrations are performed remotely from the IMS offices.

Our Core Services

3 Unique Selling Points of Earth Science Analytics

Ease of data discovery

EarthNET is a secure cloud-based platform from which oil and gas organizations can harness the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to better understand the economic potential of their subsurface assets.
The user-friendly web-based interface leverages Cloud technology to deliver a highly efficient, scalable and cost-effective well planning software platform. Geological, geophysical, drilling, meta and petrophysical data can be captured on a previously unprecedented scale, for geoscience teams to analyze and extract information. EarthNET’s simple and systematic visualization of data ensures that often overlooked information is not omitted from analysis or decision-making processes.

Speed of data analysis

Artificial Intelligence (AI) - assisted automation and orchestration of workflows on EarthNET speeds up analysis and insights. Even with large data volumes, routine activities can be achieved 100 times faster using EarthNET, saving weeks or months of effort.
EarthNET enables collaboration, data and knowledge sharing, and integration across scientific disciplines, ensuring maximum efficiency within teams. The time saved finding data, or waiting on intermediate results, can be dedicated to deeper analysis of high value well planning opportunities or accelerating project deliverables.

Quality of data insights

EarthNET’s cutting-edge, proven AI technologies allow users to confidently automate routine, data intensive activities. Its robust, data-driven analytics reduce human errors and biases, delivering repeatable results and propagating best practices across teams. Applying trained models to new data, additional models or to a different region, quickly enriches operators’ understanding of their subsurface portfolio.
This connection between relevant data and geological knowledge draws on global information to support local challenges and encourages the application of local insights across an operator’s portfolio.

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