After my husband decided to go abroad for an MBA, I quit my job at Sumitomo Corporation, prioritizing living together as a family. While overseas, I audited some of my husband’s MBA classes and strived to acquire a new qualification to make my time abroad meaningful. I also stayed in touch with my former colleagues at Sumitomo Corporation and, following the completion of my husband’s overseas program, I rejoined the company on the advice of my former boss.
Before rejoining the company, I thought that the working environment would be different after an interval of around five years, during which time I also gave birth to my third child. Moreover, I did not think it would be easy to work while raising three children. In fact, for several months after coming back to work, I found it difficult to get back into my old routine, and it felt like a period of rehabilitation. However, thanks to the understanding and support from those around me, for which I feel very grateful, I have been able to keep working until now.
In addition, I have noticed positive changes regarding the company’s attitude toward issues related to ESG and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I). Before I quit, I had been working on setting out the company’s material issues (materiality) to achieve sustainable growth with society at the Corporate Planning & Coordination Dept. At that time, it could not be said that each member of business group actually embraced the idea of materiality. Now, however, the issues are reflected in the strategies of each business, which indicates that the company is truly committed to ESG and DE&I. As for DE&I, my team has several members who joined the company as mid-career hires, and most have partners who are also working. This makes the workplace even more comfortable.
These days I really enjoy working together with members of the department and my team. I am now in charge of developing new businesses and am moving it forward step by step through discussions with my team. I sometimes feel discouraged as things do not always go as expected, but I am continuing to make efforts with my team members, and we are encouraging one another. I am thus striving alongside my “comrades in arms” to attain our shared goal.