Apr. 28, 2020
Sumitomo Corporation

Named Shell’s “Wells Equipment Supplier of the Year” for the second consecutive year, and third time overall

Following last year’s award, Sumitomo Corporation (Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer: Masayuki Hyodo), together with Nippon Steel Corporation (Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Eiji Hashimoto; hereinafter, “Nippon Steel”), were again jointly named the “Wells Equipment Supplier of the Year” by Shell’s wells business (‘Shell”). Sumitomo Corporation and Nippon Steel were the only companies in the world presented with this award.

The Wells Equipment Supplier of the Year award is an annual award that Shell presents to the suppliers who have made the most significant contributions to Shell during the year. This year’s award recognized the outstanding tubular product supply and product development capabilities of Sumitomo Corporation and Nippon Steel in the petroleum/gas sector, as well as Sumitomo Corporation’s distinctive supply chain management capabilities, its ability to provide services to meet regional needs worldwide, and its active efforts in digitalization. This was the third time the two companies were presented this award, first in 2015 and then in 2019, which reflected Shell's acknowledgement of their ongoing contributions to Shell, which include improvements made to its HSSE (*) performance, achievement of high on-time delivery rates, and cost reductions throughout the supply chain.

Sumitomo Corporation and Nippon Steel have maintained their OCTG partnership with Shell for over 40 years, and are currently fulfilling an ongoing 10-year contract until 2025. The two companies have supported Shell by proposing total solutions for ensuring reliable supply of high-performance OCTG, enhancing delivery services via more sophisticated supply chain management, and addressing localization needs in countries around the world. Sumitomo Corporation and Nippon Steel will continue to exercise their ability to present high value-added proposals and contribute to increasingly globalized petroleum/gas development.

By leveraging its extensive global business experience in a wide range of energy fields, Sumitomo Corporation will continue to work with Shell on its mission to address increasing global energy needs in ways that are economically, environmentally, and socially responsible.

This refers to Health, Safety, Security and the Environment, all of which are important indexes for companies and organizations in conducting their business activities.


■Sumitomo Corporation’s Material Issues
Sumitomo Corporation Group positions “Six Material Issues to Achieve Sustainable Growth with Society” as an important factor in developing business strategies and in the decision-making process for individual businesses. Going forward, we will pursue sustainable growth by resolving these issues through our business activities. This project especially contributes to “the Development of Local Communities and Industries”.

Corporate Communications Department, Sumitomo Corporation
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