Infrastructure Division

Division Highlight

The Infrastructure Division offers and focuses on development of social and industrial infrastructure in the power, environment, and transportation sectors.

Over the years, the Infrastructure Division has continued to contribute to a sustainable growth and development both domestically and regionally. The core business areas are the power plant development and the electrical power equipment supply, and now under challenge to expand the business field other than power business such as the railway transportation system development. The key projects under a responsibility of this Division ranges from supplying electrical equipment to full turnkey of Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contracts, investment projects in the power, and railway transportation system development in Thailand.

Power Infrastructure Dept.

Business Highlight

The Power Infrastructure Department has succeeded with, and keeps aiming to achieve, stable growth in long term business in the trading of heavy electrical commodities, executing turnkey contracts of substations, power plants and other infrastructure projects as well as the investment in the Small Power Producer (SPP) projects in Thailand.

Product Categories

Power Plant, Transmission/Distribution Systems and Substation

Sample of Business

  • Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) and Equipment Supply


Sample of Business

  • Independent Power Producer (IPP)
  • Small Power Producer (SPP) in Industrial Estate


Sample of Business

  • Renewable Energy (solar and wind)
  • Energy Storage System
  • Smart Grid and Energy Management

Name : Mr.Kato
Tel. : (66) 0-2654-0002-29 Ext.888
Email :

Social, Logistic & Transportation Infrastructure Dept.

Business Highlight

Sumitomo Corporation provides overall solution in the railway industry, including supply of rolling stocks, full turnkey construction of the systems such as High Speed Rail System, Mass Transit System, Light Rail Transit System, Automated People Mover System, and operation and maintenance of those systems as well as in the environmental industry such as development of water treatment plant, all over the world. The Social, Logistic & Transportation Infrastructure Department focuses on development of railway transportation system in Thailand by utilizing such ample experience and expertise of Sumitomo Corporation.

Product Categories


Sample of Business

  • High Speed Rail System

Mass Transit System

Light Rail Transit System

Automated People Mover System


Sample of Business

  • Total Logistics
  • Industrial Estate
  • Machinery Trading

Name : Mr. Kato
Tel. : (66) 0-2654-0002-29 Ext.888
Email :
