Oct. 29, 2020
Sumitomo Corporation
Full Launch of Social Contribution Program “100SEED” Activities in Japan
Sumitomo Corporation (Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer: Masayuki Hyodo) has started three activities in Japan to work on the global social contribution program 100SEED, which was upheld to mark the Sumitomo Corporation Group’s 100th anniversary.
100SEED involves social contribution activities aimed at solving educational challenges facing each region around the world in the medium to long term. Toward this goal, the employees of the Sumitomo Corporation Group (hereinafter “employees”) around the world directly communicate and actively join the local activities under the grand theme of SDGs Goal 4, “Quality Education” (Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all). The three activities launched in Japan are as follows.
1. Pro Bono*1 Support for Educational NPOs to enhance their management foundation
This activity supports the enhancement of the management foundation (business strategies, public relations, marketing, and efficient operations) for NPOs engaged in educational challenges. It effectively employs the skills and experience of the employees obtained through their business. Sumitomo Corporation has already completed support activities started in July 2020 for three NPOs, and newly launched support for another three NPOs in October.
2. Career Education Support – “Mirai School (School for the Future)”
This activity is aimed at developing the next generation of human resources who will drive the future. We send our employees to high schools to share their own experiences and views of their occupation, which provides an opportunity for students to think about their future career. Recognizing the importance of career education to enhance the social independence of the youth facing a time of change, Sumitomo Corporation started this activity in September 2020, and plans to provide lectures to 1,800 students at 13 high schools in fiscal 2020.
3. Educational Support for a Multi-cultural Symbiotic Society, cooperating with Japan Center for International Exchange
This activity supports youth with foreign roots*2 who are living in Japan by making good use of employees’ experiences in business and life in other countries. Children and youth studying at Japanese schools who have roots in foreign countries have been rapidly increasing in number in recent years. They can often face difficulties in academic opportunities and career building, so measures to support them in local communities are required.
Sumitomo Corporation tied up with the Japan Center for International Exchange (hereinafter “JCIE”) in October 2020 and started to cope with the grantee organizations of the Supporting Youths of Diverse Roots and an Inclusive Society Program, a major grant program provided by JCIE. Sumitomo Corporation will jointly offer support for enhancing the management foundation of grantee organizations who are taking measures to help create a multi-cultural symbiotic society, as well as study support for students of Japanese language classes provided by the grantee organizations.
Overseas, even during the global COVID-19 crisis, 26 projects are in progress in 12 countries, with efforts in place to provide online activities. We are planning to launch another 17 projects in seven countries within fiscal 2020.
Quality Education provided through 100SEED is one of the six key social issues that the Sumitomo Corporation Group is working on in “Enhancing Sustainability Management.” The Mission Statement for 100SEED*3 is that education is the best way to produce the talent needed to solve the many social issues. Sumitomo Corporation works on various educational challenges in different regions around the world, leveraging the diverse capabilities and experience of our important management resource: human resources, and pursues to grow with the society.
*1. Pro Bono
This phrase comes from Latin “Pro Bono Publico (for public good).” It refers to an activity that support solving social challenges by offering professional skills/experiences as a volunteer.
*2. Youth with foreign roots
Children or young people whose mother, father or both parents were born outside of Japan, regardless of nationality.
*3. Mission Statement for 100SEED
Mission Statement for 100SEED We have selected “Quality Education” as the grand theme of the 100SEED (SC Emergent Evolutional Deed) program upheld to mark the Sumitomo Corporation Group’s 100th anniversary. Under this theme, we are committed to develop and support a variety of social contribution activities on a global scale. Recognizing that “Quality Education” is a vital part of the sustainable development of society, we will continue to inspire ideas for supporting quality education to produce the talent needed to solve the many social challenges facing the world. By promoting 100SEED, we encourage our SC colleagues around the world to create opportunities and leverage our diverse capabilities and resources so we can engage in activities that will dynamically realize our goal of “Enriching lives and the world.” 100SEED provides us a valuable opportunity for personal growth by learning from others and pursuing individual ideas through collaboration. We will commit time and resources to social action that will benefit any of us seeking to better society through quality education. |
1. Pro Bono Support for Educational NPOs
Grantees in the first half of FY2020 (July to October) Grantees in the second half of FY2020 (October to January) |
Discussion with a grantee for the final proposal |
2. Career Education Support “Mirai School”
Schools visited in FY2020 ・September 12: Tokyo Metropolitan Nishi High School (Tokyo) |
First visiting class at Tokyo Metropolitan Nishi High School |
3. Educational Support for a Multi-cultural Symbiotic Society
Grantees in the second half of FY2020 (October to February) |
JCIE Website ”Supporting youths of Diverse Roots and an Inclusive Society”
Started “Mirai School” 100SEED career education support at Tokyo Metropolitan Nishi High School
Sumitomo Corporation’s Material Issues
Sumitomo Corporation Group positions “Six Material Issues to Achieve Sustainable Growth with Society” as an important factor in developing business strategies and in the decision-making process for individual businesses. Going forward, we will pursue sustainable growth by resolving these issues through our business activities. This project especially contributes to the following material Issues.

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