Oct. 02, 2023

Launch of Sumitomo Corporation's Official Owned Media, Enriching+- Bringing you the real thoughts of employees and the stories behind the projects

Sumitomo Corporation updated the special website “For the next 100 years” that we launched on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Sumitomo Corporation’s establishment, and launched the official owned media, Enriching+, on October 2, 2023.

The media is titled Enriching+, incorporating the intent in our Group’s corporate message of “Enriching lives and the world,” which was formulated for the 100th anniversary of Sumitomo Corporation’s establishment. We plan to deliver content that can be a plus (+) to the new values we generate for the future together with all our stakeholders, showing our determination to enrich the world, society and people’s lives through sound business activities.

Enriching+ introduces the real Sumitomo Corporation through its diverse content on topics such as the wide range of projects and efforts the Group undertakes, and our employees who are active around the world. This media delivers the kind of content that cannot be fully expressed through an introduction of business projects, such as the thoughts of employees and the stories behind the projects.

Sumitomo’s business philosophy, such as “Benefit for self and others, private and public interests are one and the same” has continuously formed the basis of Sumitomo Corporation Group's business for more than 400 years. Amidst today’s historical turning point, the business philosophy seems to be exactly the value that society truly needs today. We will show you what our employees think and how they work with enthusiasm in their businesses. We aim to deepen the understanding of our stakeholders about our company by sharing the real stories and passion of our employees who embody our vision of “Enriching lives and the world”.

Outline of Sumitomo Corporation's Official Owned Media, Enriching+

Media name Enriching+
Relaunch October 2, 2023
Website URL (Japanese) https://www.sumitomocorp.com/ja/jp/enrich
Website URL (English) https://www.sumitomocorp.com/en/jp/enrich
