Message from General Manager for the Americas

In the Americas, we grow our businesses and develop new businesses beyond industrial borders with an understanding of the rapid social changes and technological innovations taking place. By building a more flexible and robust business foundation, we will accelerate our contribution to solving social issues and to developing local communities through our business activities, and play a greater role in the development of the Sumitomo Corporation Group.
The Americas, including Central and South America, is a growing, attractive market with abundant natural resources including agriculture, livestock, minerals, and energy, as well as a population of more than one billion. Demand in key industries, such as manufacturing and infrastructure, is steady. The world’s leading service industry and the technology industry located in the Americas are also expected to develop further. In light of such regional characteristics, we aim to create diverse value and expand our earnings base.
As political and economic trends in the Americas have great geopolitical impact around the globe, we stay a step ahead through our enhanced collection and analysis of macro information. Keeping in mind “mitigation of climate change,” “circular economy,” “development of local society and economy” and other key social issues of the Sumitomo Corporation Group, we will use technologies originated from the Americas and collaborate with major local partners to achieve social and industrial innovation and a sustainable society.
Tomonori Wada
General Manager for the Americas