Global Cases

Digital transformation (DX) leveraged by cutting-edge technologies


SC’s vision for DX

Due to disruptive changes, triggered by new technologies, arising in all industries, we have become keen to utilize ICT and digital technologies in the entire group.

To promote digital transformation (DX), Sumitomo Corporation launches a company-wide organization, the IoT & AI Working Group, in April 2016. Since then, the company has engaged in bolstering competitiveness and fostering innovation in diverse business areas with leveraging IoT- and AI-related advanced technologies, thus enhancing the Sumitomo Corporation Group’s business value and expanding its revenue base.

In April 2018, Sumitomo Corporation established an organization dedicated to DX, the DX Center, in the Media & Digital Business Division. The DX Center is promoting to install digital technologies for value-up of existing businesses; creation of new services; and acceleration of an industry-wide business model transformation.

Group-wide drive for DX

In advancing DX, it is essential that Sumitomo Corporation’s various businesses, with our business domain expertise and networks in each field globally, strategically adopt ICT and digital technologies. Having succeeded in the initiatives to visualize plant operations, upgrade the distribution and warehouse businesses, and improve white-collar productivity thus far, Sumitomo, utilizing its newly established DX Center, now tackles the DX challenge, with further strengthened collaboration among Business Units and regional organizations.

To adopt and install ever-evolving technologies quickly and timely is another key for DX. For coping with this, in 2017, Sumitomo Corporation formed a capital/business alliance with NC Design & Consulting, which is noted for providing DX support based on its agile software development(*1) methodologies and UI/UX(*2)-oriented approach. For effective DX acceleration, we also work with SCSK Corporation, a Sumitomo Group’s system integration company; Asian Frontier, a business and IT consulting firm receiving investment from SCSK; and other Sumitomo-funded start-up venture companies.

November 2018


  • Japan
  • East Asia
  • Asia and Oceania
  • Europe
  • The Americas
  • Information Telecommunications

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