Chemical Solutions Group

Business Lines

  • Businesses related to basic chemicals(organic/inorganic chemicals, and plastics), green chemicals, semiconductor / battery materials, electronic, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, animal health products, veterinary medicine, agricultural materials (crop protection products, fertilizers , etc) and next-generation agriculture and food production systems

Business Overview

The five SBUs in the Chemicals, Electronics and Agriculture Group are building global sales networks and supply chains in cooperation with diverse partners.

The Basic Chemical SBU is promoting the manufacturing industry with global partners in organic and inorganic chemical products as well as synthetic resins.

The Electronics SBU conducts the trade of semiconductors, rechargeable batteries, and other electronic materials, as well as electronics manufacturing service (EMS) business in the value chain of the electronics industry.

The Green Chemical SBU generates new businesses in the field of green chemicals, increases the capabilities of its proprietary technologies and services, and contributes to the achievement of a net-zero society.

The Life Sciences SBU pursues comfortable, affluent lives for people through the development of the pharmaceutical raw material trade and other pharmaceuticals-related businesses, the cosmetics business, and animal health business.

The Agribusiness SBU contributes to the stable supply of foodstuffs and the sustainable development of agriculture through strengthening the agricultural materials business and developing new businesses related to agriculture.


Chemical Solutions Group
Chemical Solutions Group CFO Office
Takuya Tsujigaki
Takuya Tsujigaki
Group CEO, Chemical Solutions Group
Basic Chemicals SBU
Electronics SBU
Green Chemical SBU
Life Science SBU
Agri Business SBU

Subsidiaries and Associated Companies

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