Stock Information
Stock Data
Stock Exchange Code | 8053 |
Number of Issued Shares | 1,211,099,367 |
Number of Shareholders | 287,634 |
Stock Listings | Tokyo |
Shareholder Composition

Major Shareholders
Name of Shareholder | Number of Shares (In thousands of shares) |
Shareholding Ratio | |
1 | The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (trust account) | 201,356 | 16.64% |
2 | BNYM AS AGT/CLTS 10 PERCENT | 112,816 | 9.32% |
3 | Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (trust account) | 65,359 | 5.40% |
4 | Sumitomo Life Insurance Company | 30,855 | 2.55% |
5 | STATE STREET BANK WEST CLIENT - TREATY 505234 | 20,592 | 1.70% |
6 | JPMorgan Securities Japan Co., Ltd. | 20,331 | 1.68% |
7 | STATE STREET BANK AND TRUST COMPANY505001 | 16,054 | 1.33% |
8 | Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Company, Limited | 15,000 | 1.24% |
9 | Nippon Life Insurance Company | 14,879 | 1.23% |
10 | JP MORGAN CHASE BANK 385781 | 14,264 | 1.18% |
(Note) The shareholding ratio is calculated by dividing the number of shares held by the number of shares outstanding − which is derived by deducting treasury stock (1,120,414 shares) from the total number of issued shares − and rounding to the nearest hundredth of a percent.