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統合報告書2020 enriching lives and the world 統合報告書2020 enriching lives and the world

The Sumitomo Corporation Group utilizes the Integrated Report as a tool for constructive dialogue, seeking to raise stakeholders’ understanding of the Group’s value creation mechanisms from a medium- to long-term perspective.
We are committed to continuing to create new value in the spirit of the corporate message adopted last year to mark the Group’s 100th anniversary, “Enriching lives and the world.”

CEO Message

The challenge is creating new value for the new normal.
Sumitomo Corporation will practice sustainability management unique to our company and pursue solutions to social issues.

Masayuki Hyodo
Representative Director
President and Chief Executive Officer

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Special Feature

Sustainability Management at the Sumitomo Corporation Group

The social issues which can be addressed by an integrated trading company―
Sumitomo Corporation Group’s sustainability management will advance to the next stage

This section introduces sustainability management at the Sumitomo Corporation Group.

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PART 1Value Creation Story

A Company That Creates New Value

New value created through business activities—this is where integrated trading companies excel.
We create business by leveraging our diverse forms of capital to tackle the wide range of challenges facing society and to seek out solutions for the future.
Our aim is to create new value to enrich people’s lives around the world.

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PART 2Medium-Term Management Plan 2020

Growth Strategy: Current Status and Future Vision

The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting significantly on the global economy and society. To continue creating value under the uncertainty and unpredictability of the current business environment, the Sumitomo Corporation Group has reaffirmed the strategic direction of its Medium-Term Management Plan 2020 and is proceeding with the implementation of its growth strategies from an approach emphasizing adaptability.

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PART 3Segment Overview

Businesses That Create Diverse Value

The Sumitomo Corporation Group is engaged in diversified business operations on a global basis, generating wide-ranging value from its six business units: Metal Products, Transportation & Construction Systems, Infrastructure, Media & Digital, Living Related & Real Estate, and Mineral Resources, Energy, Chemical & Electronics.
Each business unit is committed to creating further value based on Medium-Term Management Plan 2020.

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PART 4Governance

Strengthening Our Foundation of Value Creation

As an enterprise, to adapt to the changing business environment and move forward with sustainable value creation, we need to constantly strengthen our corporate governance structure as a solid foundation.
Sumitomo Corporation has designated the enhancement of corporate governance as a key initiative and is working on upgrading the relevant structures, including raising the effectiveness of Board of Directors meetings.

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