Integrated Report2021 enriching lives and the world Integrated Report2021 enriching lives and the world

The Sumitomo Corporation Group utilizes the Integrated Report as a communication tool for all stakeholder, seeking to raise stakeholders’ understanding of the overview of our value creation and the enhancement of corporate value in the short, medium, and long term.
We are committed to continuing to create new value in the spirit of the corporate message “Enriching lives and the world.”

The ESG Communication Book summarizes detailed information about our activities related to sustainability from an environmental, social,
and governance (ESG) perspective. Please see the latest ESG Communication Book.

Message from Management

Masayuki Hyodo

Under SHIFT 2023, we will restructure our business portfolio and return to a growth trajectory.

Representative Director President and Chief Executive Officer Masayuki Hyodo

Masaru Shiomi

We will take firm steps to implement the measures in our medium-term management plan “SHIFT 2023” and demonstrate the results of our efforts through our performance.

Representative Director, Managing Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer Masaru Shiomi

Hideki Yamano

Message from the CSO

We will enhance sustainability management as a growth strategy for achieving a sustainable society.

CSO and CIO Hideki Yamano

Takayuki Seishima

Message from the CAO

We seek to create new value by producing talents who can compete on the global stage.

CAO and CCO Takayuki Seishima

Dialogue between Outside Directors

Dialogue between Outside Directors

Early return to a growth trajectory

Outside Director Nobuyoshi Ehara

Outside Director Koji Ishida

Dialogue between Outside Director and the CDO

Dialogue between Outside Director and the CDO

Business innovation in the new era of digital transformation

Outside Director Akiko Ide

CDO Toshikazu Nambu

Part 1Analysis of Issues

Profit and loss for FY2020 was a loss of JPY153.1 billion. This is because the COVID-19 pandemic essentially exposed the weaknesses in our business portfolio.
We reflected and thoroughly analyzed the factors that led us to this point, deepen the discussion, while implementing the structural reform.

Part 2New Medium-Term Management Plan “SHIFT 2023”

Under the new medium-term management plan “SHIFT 2023,” we will “SHIFT” the Sumitomo Corporation Group through structural reform in order to contribute to society via sustainable growth and value creation.

Part 3Sustainability Management

Under SHIFT 2023, we will enhance sustainability management as a growth strategy for achieving a sustainable society. As for climate change issues, we established the Energy Innovation Initiative (EII) as a new business organization that aims to create next-generation businesses that contribute to the realization of a carbon neutral society.

Part 4Governance

Under SHIFT 2023, we will continue to enhance corporate governance. In addition to introducing the Group Management Policy,
we will promote the strengthening of the functions of the Board of Directors to further enhance corporate governance.

Segment Overview

The Sumitomo Corporation Group is engaged in diversified business operations on a global basis, generating wide-ranging value from its six business units: Metal Products, Transportation & Construction Systems, Infrastructure, Media & Digital, Living Related & Real Estate, and Mineral Resources, Energy, Chemical & Electronics.
In the Integrated Report 2021, we show business cases of our value creation story at each business unit as well as segment overviews. Please see more details about value creation model.

Metal Products

Metal Products Business Unit

  • Steel Products Division
  • Tubular Products Division

PDF by Section

Transportation &
              Construction Systems

Transportation & Construction Systems Business Unit

  • Beyond Mobility Business Dept.
  • Lease, Ship & Aerospace Business Division
  • Mobility Business Division 1
  • Mobility Business Division 2
  • Construction & Mining Systems Division

PDF by Section


Infrastructure Business Unit

  • Social Infrastructure Business Division
  • Global Power Infrastructure Business Division
  • Logistics Infrastructure Business Division

PDF by Section

Media & Digital

Media & Digital Business Unit

  • Media Division
  • Digital Business Division
  • Smart Communications Platform Business Divisionn

PDF by Section

Living Related &
              Real Estate

Living Related & Real Estate Business Unit

  • Lifestyle & Retail Business Division
  • Food & Agriculture Business Division
  • Materials, Supplies & Real Estate Division

PDF by Section

Mineral Resources, Energy,
                Chemical & Electronics

Mineral Resources, Energy, Chemical & Electronics Business Unit

  • Mineral Resources Division No.1
  • Mineral Resources Division No.2
  • Energy Division
  • Basic Chemicals & Electronics Division
  • Life Science Division

PDF by Section

Mechanisms of Sumitomo Corporation Group’s Value Creation
Value Creation Model

The Sumitomo Corporation Group pursues the creation of new businesses and the enhancement of existing businesses based on Sumitomo's Business Philosophy and the Sumitomo Corporation Group's Corporate Mission Statement that has been passed down over the years. We accomplish it by anticipating changes in the times and quickly assessing the challenges of the global environment and society while combining the management base comprised of seven types of capital with the diverse business functions of the business group. The Sumitomo Corporation Group contributes to realizing a sustainable society by creating social, environmental, and economic value through the business activities. The mechanism for this entire process of value creation is illustrated in the Value Creation Model presented here

Mechanisms of Sumitomo Corporation Group’s Value Creation Value Creation Model