SCAN At a Glance

In order to respond to the global challenge of achieving harmony with the global environment, contributing to the development of local communities and industries, in order to strengthen human and organizational networks and build multifaceted relationships with excellent business partners, Sumitomo Corporation (A recognized Japanese company) set out a regionalization process that would make it easier to adequately meet its priority objectives of environmental protection and provide functions to group companies based on the concept of solidarity.

Thus, since January 2019, a process of unification of Sumitomo Corporation’s offices located in Colombia (SCCL), Ecuador (SCEC) and Peru (SCPR) began under the legal constitution of Sumitomo Corporation Andes SAS (SCAN); which main office is located in Bogotá-Colombia with two branches, one in Quito-Ecuador and another in Lima-Peru.

The offices of SCCL, SCEC and SCPR were established in late 1960s as representative offices and they were later transformed into independent companies in search of new business. In view of the need to expand their commercial lines, in the 1990s they became in Companies called “Stock companies” to venture into business development in different branches.

Nowadays at SCAN we closely follow the trends and movements of the Colombian, Ecuadorian and Peruvian markets to identify emerging needs that, thanks to our global network and long time experience, we can turn into business opportunities, likewise, we are open to explore initiatives for joint collaboration with local companies from different sectors for new businesses development or to contribute to the growth, expansion and strengthening of existing businesses. Making alliances, being partners, investors or suppliers are the usual roles in which we are willing to explore opportunities.

At present, we are SCAN: important trading company, counting on passionate and innovative employees, committed to build a culture of diversity and inclusion that creates new value, and contributes broadly to the society to achieve the dream of Enriching lives and the world!
