Forestry Investment and Operation
Summit Forests New Zealand Limited (Summit Forests) is a New Zealand registered subsidiary company of Sumitomo Corporation and Sumitomo Australia.
In March 2013 Summit purchased the former Juken New Zealand Limited Forest Estate (36,000 ha) within Northland. All local staff and contracts transferred across to the new company, bringing with them 24 years’ experience managing these forests.

In order to ensure the full value of our products is captured, Summit developed a dedicated log exporting department which links into the already well-established Sumitomo Corporation trading business. The log exporting department is directly linked into Sumitomo Corporation’s extensive international business networks and allows Summit to fully realise the value of the estate in addition to the existing domestic supply.

Summit Forests currently produce around 600,000 tons of wood resources, mainly Radiata pine which is a versatile timber used for a range of structural and decorative applications. As the leading forest company in New Zealand, it constantly aims to manage and grow its estates with utmost attentions to protecting the land and our environment with long term sustainable harvest and plantation plans.

More information can be found at Summit Forests’ website