Our Business

We are developing a multifaceted business on a global scale to respond to the diverse needs of customers.

Number of Sumitomo Corporation Group Employees Number of Bases Total Assets
75,448 138 bases in
67 countries worldwide
¥9,021.4 billion

Metal Products: The Metal Products Business Unit handles a wide range of metal products, including steel products, tubular products and steel sheets, and non-ferrous metal products, such as aluminum and titanium.

Number of steel service centers that process steel strips into various forms to be supplied to customers Number of countries in which the Company conducts tubular product supply chain management to provide a one-stop service ranging from ordering to inventory management, processing, inspection, and repairs Aluminum production volume of Press Metal Berhad, in Malaysia (after completion of 3rd phase construction)
32 centers in
13 countries worldwide
15 countries worldwide 760,000

Transportation & Construction Systems: The Transportation & Construction Systems Business Unit is advancing manufacturing, sales, leasing, financing, and various other operations in the areas of ships, aircraft, railway, automobiles, and other transportation systems as well as construction equipment.

Number of aircraft owned and managed in the aircraft operating lease business of SMBC Aviation Capital Japan Co., Ltd. (No. 3 in the world) Number of vehicles for lease owned and managed around the world by Japan's largest motor vehicle leaser Sumitomo Mitsui Auto Service Company, Limited Number of service bases that conduct sales, rental, and product support services related to construction and mining equipment
379 Approx.
355 bases in
15 countries worldwide

Environment & Infrastructure: The Environment & Infrastructure Business Unit is contributing to the development of society by conducting businesses around the world in the fields of electricity, renewable energy, logistics & insurance, and other infrastructure.

Annual transaction volume of electrical energy in Japan Net ownership capacity of power plants operated (including renewable energy) Number of companies that have set up operations in overseas industrial parks developed by Sumitomo Corporation
Approx. 2 billion kwh 6,800 MW Approx. 360

Media, Network, Lifestyle Related Goods & Services: The Media, Network, Lifestyle Related Goods & Services Business Unit provides consumer-oriented products and services in fields such as media, networks, retail, food, materials & supplies and real estate, and is developing businesses in these fields that are distinctive among general trading companies.

Number of subscribers to J:COM's Video, High-speed data, and Voice services Share of domestic banana transactions by weight (Jan. 2014.Dec. 2014) Number of housing units provided through domestic condominium business that has continued since 1964
Approx. 5 million
Approx. 32 % Approx. 56,000

Mineral Resources, Energy, Chemical & Electronics: The Mineral Resources, Energy, Chemical & Electronics Business Unit holds interests and conducts trading in the mineral resources and energy field and is also developing business operations in the basic chemical, crop protection chemical, and electronics fields.

Scale of zinc production at the San Cristobal mine in Bolivia Nickel production volume of Ambatovy nickel project in Madagascar (world's largest production volumes from integrated production systems when operating at full capacity) Number of countries in which the Company conducts crop protection chemical development and sales operations
No. 7 worldwide 60,000
countries worldwide