SCIN FY2016 CSR Activities

SCIN FY2016 CSR Activities
a) NGO - VENU Eye Institute & Research Centre
SCIN donated for purchasing Standard Non AC SML Isuzu Bus for patient’s travel from villages to hospital and also for free cataract operations of needy and poor.
This institute organizes eye camps in nearby villages in the states of Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Delhi and Rajasthan (majorly in rural areas) for eye checkups and those referred to the clinic for further surgery or treatment are provided door-step facility with no charges. This hospital has 5 branches and the base hospital is located at New-Delhi.
Venu also has a university recognized for teaching & training centre for post graduate and undergraduate teaching programmes for Doctors and Optometrists.

SCIN donated one Electric Generator for Autism Center, Tamana Special School essential for institute to help it one step further in self-sustainability and growth. NGO Tamana supports autistic and intellectually disabled children.
The school has 3 facilities:
- AUTISM CENTER- SCHOOL OF HOPE – This school is for Autistic children with majorly 3 defects: Communication, Social integration and those who live in their own world. They also have mother and child integration. Generally school takes upto 18 years old depending upon the brain development of the child.
- TAMANA SPECIAL SCHOOL - this school is for intellectually disabled children
- NAI DISHA VOCATIONAL TRAINING CENTER – The children above 18 years are sent here for vocational training. Nai Disha is a place that offers opportunities for its adults and adolescents to acquire dignity and self-respect. Students are assessed for ability and interest in learning skills for life vocations at Nai Disha.

- St. Stephen’s College, New Delhi
- Jai Hind College, Mumba
- Loyola College, Chennai

d) Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund
e) Other CSR activities for FY 2016:
- SCIN donated Spare Computers/ laptops, projector and spare IT equipments to an NGO, Ashima Foundation, Pitampura, New Delhi for skill enhancement and as teaching tool in December, 2016.
- Donation for Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Chennai for Safety awareness promotion campaign in cooperation with Chennai police in Feb, 2017.