Steel Products

Our business unit covers a wide range of steel products, such as Steel Coils, Sheets, Shaped Steels, Plates, Rails, Wheels and Axles, crankshafts, and Bar & wire rods.

To satisfy the diverse needs of our customers and address to the growing demand for steel products in emerging markets in this region, we are actively working by enhancing our functions on entire value chain from upstream to downstream operations in various fields.

In Flat Rolled Steel, we provide a full range of services through our network of Steel Service Centers and regional offices spread across region, to automotive, home appliances, and construction industries. Services include master coils procurement, inventory management, financial support, processing and just-in-time delivery.

We have 10 service centers (15 factories): 3 (6 factories) in Thailand, 2 in Malaysia, 1 (2 factories) in Indonesia, 2 (3 factories) in Vietnam, and 2 in Philippines.

In Specialty Steel, we provide services including inventory management and just-in-time delivery to automotive industry. We have a JV company with Mukand group in India, namely Mukand Sumi Special Steel Limited (MSSSL) engaged in the business of manufacturing wire rods, bars, and wires

We also supply other types of steel such as Plate and Structural Steel for offshore platforms, construction, and mining construction machines. Mechanical Tubes and Crankshafts for the automotive industry. Specialty Tube for power, chemical plants. Railway Products for railway operation companies.

Through our business, we support the economic growth in this region. We continue to pursue new value creation like “Green Steel”, responding to changes in market needs for materials and exploring collaborations with key partners. With a focus on ESG management, we aim to achieve sustainable growth together with society.


Steel Service Centre

Metal Distribution for JIT Delivery

Rolling line in Mukand Sumi Special Steel Limited

Products from Mukand Sumi

Example of rail application

Speciality tubulars used in a chemical plant

Structural steel application
