Social & Logistics Infrastructure
In the Sumitomo Corporation Group, we aim to implement the comprehensive development of prosperous and sustainable cities through the building of site infrastructure (harbors/ports, airports, logistics facilities, etc.) and trunk infrastructure (water and sewage, railroads, logistics, etc.) and trade and services that support these businesses and industrial infrastructures (supply of materials, equipment and facilities, logistics, insurance, etc.).
・Basic infrastructure: Railroads, airports, harbor/ports, and water business
・Logistics and insurance: Comprehensive logistics business, support logistics at Sumitomo Corporation Group, various insurance businesses
・Industrial materials and systems: Construction materials, cement, business related to construction materials and equipment, business related to industry facilities and communications infrastructure
Social Infrastructure Business
We contribute to the raising of living standards and emerging demands in the region through the introduction of state-of-the-art Japanese technologies related to environmental protection and industrial development.
We are actively involved in both investment and trading in the field of basic infrastructure business like railroads, airports, and other utilities and systems such as air-traffic management, satellite and satellite related technologies. We are aiming to expand our business field in Social Infrastructure business by introducing various unique Japanese technologies that support sustainable development throughout this region. (e.g. in areas related to digitalization, such as data center, data platform service business, and telecommunication infrastructure business, etc.)
Logistics and Port
In Asia and Oceania, we operate logistics services in Thailand (SGL Thailand), Indonesia (SGL Indonesia) and Vietnam (Dragon Logistics), maily for the purpose of supporting Japanese Manufacturers in our industrial parks Recently, we invested in container terminal businesses in Vietnam (Gemadept Corporation). Logistics services and container terminals contribute to society by creating and serving fundamental business infrastructure.
Rehabilitation, Upgrading and Maintenance of Existing Railway Systems
We offer diversified services related to the rehabilitation, upgrading and maintenance of railway systems, adding value to the railway industry.

Rail Projects in the Philippines: We are engaged in the MRT Line 3 new Rehabilitation and Maintenance contract (2018-2025), and in 2020 we invested in Light Rail Manila Corporation operating LTR Line-1 North-South Commuter Rail Project (Phase-1) 104 trains, (Phase-2&3) 304 trains & Metro Manila Subway Project 240 trains are being manufactured in Japan

Rail Project in Vietnam: We sealed the contract for Ho Chi Minh City Urban Railway Construction Project Line 1 which involves the construction of a 17.2km-long elevated structure (including 11 stations) and a maintenance depot for the first urban railway in Ho Chi Minh City

Rail Project in Indonesia: We have been involved in several rail projects and our latest project is the Mass Rapid Transit Jakarta Project (South-North Corridor Phase 1). Sumitomo Corporation and Nippon Sharyo, Ltd were awarded a contract by MRT Jakarta to supply 96 railway cars for Indonesia's first subway line and successfully completed the project in April, 2019.
The station depicted in the right upper corner is the station constructed in Railway Electrification and Double - Double Track of Java Main Line Project (I) Package B-1 which was completed in 2017

Rail Project in Thailand – Our latest project is Mass Transit System Project in Bangkok (RED LINE) Bang Sue, Rangsit Section: Sumitomo Corporation, together with other Japanese consortium partners, constructed a 40km new electric railway line for State Railway of Thailand. Passenger service operation of RED LINE started in August, 2021